Deadline for Submissions

The deadline for submissions for the 2010 edition of the Long River Review is 5 pm, Wednesday, February 10. Please note: All works submitted to the 2009-2010 UConn Creative Writing contests are automatically considered for publication in the 2010 edition of the Long River Review. While we accept submissions for the 2010 print journal through February 10, 2010, we strongly encourage you to submit to the contests prior to submitting directly to the magazine. More information can be found at

Submission Guidelines

Please submit up to 8 pages of poetry and/or up to 5000 words of a prose. No individual prose piece should exceed 2500 words. Do not submit previously published material.

Enclose with your submission a cover letter that includes your name, students ID number (peoplesoft number), address, e-mail, and phone number. On this cover page also include a brief biographical note. This will appear in the contributor's notes at the end of the journal, should your work be published.

Submit four copies of each piece. If a single piece is more than one page long, please staple it. If you are submitting multiple pieces, separate like pieces into sets so that each set will include one copy of each piece. Please staple or paperclip these sets together. Your student ID must appear on every page of your submission. Your name should not appear on any page except the cover letter.

Please submit your material in a manila envelope. On the envelope please include your name and contact information and prominently indicate to which genre you are submitting. We accept poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. If you are submitting to multiple genres, please use a separate envelope for each genre that you submit to.

Submissions may be dropped off in the appropriately labeled box in the English Department Office, CLAS 208, or in the Freshman English Office, CLAS 162. They can also be mailed to:

Long River Review Submissions
215 Glenbrook Road
U-4025, Storrs
CT 06269-4025

Alternatively, submissions may be e-mailed to You may attach multiple submissions per email as long as they are the same genre. Clearly indicate in the subject to which genre you are submitting and please send your submission as a .doc (NOT .docx), .rtf, .pdf or .txt file.

All submissions are anonymously read by multiple editors. Final editorial decision is made by editor in chief. Notification of acceptance or rejection will occur two to five weeks after submission deadline. Please do not request information on the status of your submission until after this time. Upon acceptance authors will be asked to provide an electronic copy of the piece through e-mail or disc and will be asked to provide written consent permitting Long River Review to publish the piece. Please direct any questions and concerns to Annie Brooks, Editor-in-Chief, at