Like many of you readers, I have too many interests and not enough time. Being the industrious person that I am, I have started to combine my hobbies to try to be more efficient. However, because my three favorite activities are running, crocheting (and/or knitting), and reading, the resulting combinations…
Month: March 2014
Delirium Series (Non Spoiler)
Click here for the Original Book Review I spent my spring break in Tallahassee, Florida . . . reading books. The books in question are the Delirium Series by Lauren Oliver. I had heard mixed reviews about the book but I couldn’t resist purchasing it when Barnes and Noble sent me an…
Something Wicked This Way Comes: Dystopian Lit and the Rise of “Cli-Fi”
Complaining about the erratic weather is a traditional New England pastime, and this past winter—with its Antarctic winds, biweekly apocalyptic snowstorms, and inexplicable 30° temperature swings—gave us plenty of reason to continue regarding the climate as a fickle and unpredictable foe. We’ve made it through to Spring (or at…
12 Thoughts on Writing and Things That Have to Do With It
Since I’m graduating this semester, this week officially marks my last “school break.” In the spirit of ending an era, I shall reflect on my own experiences with writing during my time at UConn. I’m taking a vague sort of influence from HTMLGIANT’s “points” blog posts— so here I present…
Throwback Thursday
This week is UConn’s Spring Break, which has given me the time to dig through boxes upon boxes of elementary and middle school paperwork that my mother is saving for reasons I can’t understand. Between science projects on static electricity and map quizzes where I managed to label half of…
Expressive Writing
Usually writing in your free time, aka not for school-related subjects, is a hobby of English majors, students taking creative writing classes, or cool and interesting travelers, right? WRONG. Writing is for anyone who thinks. Writing is for anyone with something to say. Think you don’t have something to say?…
The Art of the Contributor Bio
Congratulations! Your work has been accepted into a literary journal. Now here’s the hard part– you have about three lines to describe your essential being in the third person. I’m awful at contributor bios. Just plain useless. I think each time (not that there have been many, but we can…
I’ve Got to Revoke My Own Editing Privileges
I used to write everything in notebooks. It’s been years since I’ve done so regularly, and maybe that’s why The Millions blogger Ethan Hauser’s praise of pen and paper in his essay Baffling Dictums left me a little bit nostalgic. I don’t remember the exact moment when I stopped writing…
Noche Dorada at UConn
On February 22nd, I went to the Lambda Upsilon Lambda event called “Noche Dorada.” It was mostly just an excuse to eat really good Spanish food– sweet platanos and arroz con pollo and creamy, amazing flan. The best part is that you get to eat the food while listening to…
Top 10 Short Stories by Famous Authors
The short story has been defined in several different manners. One definition that I find particularly pleasing is, “a story that one should be able to read in one sitting”. Edgar Allen Poe said something similar once. Here’s a list of some of my favorites, not in any respective order….
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