General Submission Guidelines
Submissions are now CLOSED. We will begin accepting submissions again on September 15, 2025. Stay tuned for the 28th edition of Long River Review! Thank you!
We accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, translations, drama, mixed media pieces, and/or any otherwise uncategorized creative works.
Long River Review accepts simultaneous submissions. Please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
If your work is accepted, we ask for First North American Serial Rights (i.e., to be the first publication in North America to publish it), after which the rights revert back to you.
All contributors get two copies of the issue where their work is featured. Unfortunately, we are not in the position to offer payment to our writers.
While we are open to a plethora of innovative and exciting works, Long River Review will NOT publish stories that/ are:
- Condone bigotry: sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or hateful ideologies
- Center around graphic depictions of sex or violence
- AI generated
- Excerpted from a novel or larger body of work (unless the piece can stand alone by itself)
- Political manifestos
If your work fits into any of these categories, it will be automatically disqualified for review or publication.
Please check genre specific guidelines before submitting.
We only accept unpublished work.
Guidelines for Fiction Submissions
Submissions include original, unpublished narratives created from the imagination, encompassing short stories, novellas, dramas, or novel excerpts that can stand alone.
Submission Limit: 6,000 Words
Guidelines for Poetry Submissions
Submissions include original, unpublished poems. We ask that every poem is submitted individually: one poem per submission. If your poem is a part of a larger sequence, we ask you to choose your best stand-alone piece.
Submission Limit: 5 Poems
Guidelines for Creative Nonfiction Submissions
Submissions include original, unpublished works that explore real life experiences, events, or ideas. Examples include memoir excerpts, personal essays, and literary journalism. No academic papers.
Submission Limit: 6,000 Words
Guidelines for Art/Photography Submissions
Long River Review welcomes all art mediums, including photography, drawings, illustration, printmaking, paintings, and comics/graphic novels.
Submission Limit: 5-10 Pieces
All art submitted by UConn students to LRR will be considered for generous cash prizes.
Submit artwork based on the following specifications:
- Tiff or .EPS file in 5.75 inches (minimum width) x 8 inches (maximum width), in 350 dpi, CMYK mode.
- Full-color art or images should be scanned at 350 dpi in CMYK mode and saved as TIFF files.
- Black and white art should be in greyscale (this means there is no color but the gradations of black and white are complex).
Please include a 150 word artist statement explaining the artwork.
Guidelines for Mixed Media Submissions
Long River Review accepts submissions that blend multiple artistic forms or mediums, such as text, visual art, photography, and other creative expressions. All approaches are welcome, as long as they challenge traditional boundaries. Pieces like video essays, video poems, and mixed media graphic novels can be included in the digital version of the issue.
Submission Limit: 6,000 Words
Guidelines for Translations Submissions
Submissions include original, unpublished translations of literary works from any language into English. Please include the original text with the submission as well as the source of the original non-English piece.
Submission Limit: 6,000 words of prose or up to 5 poems