I made a few promises to myself when I was younger: 1) Marry Peter Brady. (So far, I have made very little progress.) 2) Become a Pokemon master. (Working on it.) 3) Never stop writing. (Well, I haven’t stopped yet.) However, what “never ends” must at one point begin. I’m…
Month: March 2014
Ten Reasons to Drink Tea While You Read
1. Tea is awesome. Books are awesome. Why not combine the two? 2. Books can help fight sadness and some teas (i.e green tea) have also been proven to reduce depression. In short use them together for happy feelings. 3. Tea is a stimulant that often contains caffeine which…
A Little Late on the OSC Train
Late last year, the issue of Orson Scott Card’s political views came back into the public light in full force with the impending release of the film version of his critically acclaimed novel Ender’s Game. Everyone wanted to have their say on the matter criticizing him. There was even a…
“Soooo….Do You Want to be a Teacher?”: Lessons Learned from Being an English Major
I never liked kids. My mom loves to tell the story of how, when I was five, I asked where babies come from. After she detailed the process in five-year-old speak, I wrinkled my nose. “Am I going to have to do that?” Don’t get me wrong, I like my…
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