A few weeks ago, a few Long River members hosted an activity at the KUBE Creative Writing workshop for middle school students. We gave each table a bunch of materials, including copies of famous poems, song lyrics, pages from old LRRs, newspapers, magazines, and the like. The students were told…
Month: April 2014
It’s Here At Last! LRR Released
Last night at approximately 7pm, this year’s beautiful Long River edition was released to the public. To celebrate, the staff threw a large launch party hosted in UConn’s new CoOp Bookstore. Using the funds procured from our banging bar night (thank you again to all who went!) and other fundraising,…
In Transit With Paul Muldoon (2014)
It’s an overcast morning in early April, and I am riding in a car with Paul Muldoon. It is not often one can speak those words, and I try to absorb this moment, the immediacy of having the New Yorker’s poetry editor and literary royalty in the seat behind…
Ten Cool Things From Nature for Your Literary Inspiration
Welcome to the week before finals, UConn. I’m betting that plenty of us fall into the category of “having no free time to recreationally read and write” these days. I could give you a list of books you should read and movies you should watch, but at this point, I’m…
Inspired by Spoken Word
Daughter * If I have a daughter, I will tell her to always think she is ready for this shiny, fast-moving world because at least then, when it barrels at her unannounced, she will have the sense to keep her head up and watch with open hands when it comes…
We Found Poetry in…Teds?
In honor of the upcoming release of our newest edition of the Long River Review, the team behind the magazine has started a community-wide poem to spread both awareness of this release and to bond our wonderful community by awakening the inner poet, we all have within us. Linked between classes,…
Top Ten Nonfiction Books That Will Change Your Life
These ten books, I can say with confidence, have changed my life in some way, and they will probably change your life too. Or, maybe not, because I’m me and you aren’t. But I’m fairly certain that these books will make you think about nonfiction, or English boarding schools, or…
Travel Notes: Your Local Supermarket
The literary journal Literary Bohemian features a section called “Travel Notes.” This is a space for the vagabonds of the world to publish their thoughts on their adventures, but LitBo’s editors refuse to publish anything typical, or cliche. Travel Notes doesn’t have to be for the European jet-setter; in fact,…
Throwback Thursday – High Fantasy
What follows is something that I wrote in high school, I think because I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Christopher Paolini and write a (what I thought at the time was good) fantasy series, get published, get paid, and ignore the realities of life. It’s the prologue of…
Storytelling in Video Games
I used to hold the opinion that video games couldn’t be considered an art form. This was in part because it resembled nothing close to traditional art, and also because I liked video games, and I figured a teenager with minimal life experience’s opinion on anything was probably wrong. Naturally,…
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