On Tuesday, March 31, acclaimed author, Gerson Irish Reader Claire Kilroy, gave a reading to a full house at the UConn Alumni Center. Dubliner Claire Kilroy is one of Ireland’s most prominent contemporary writers. She is the author of four novels with Faber and Faber: All Summer (2003), Tenderwire (2006), All Names…
Month: April 2015
Journal Feature: The Blueshift (2015)
I had the pleasure of speaking with Tyler Tsay, the editor-in-chief, of the profound new literary journal The Blueshift Journal. This journal features young, relatively undiscovered writers and artists, hoping that great art will provide an ethereal closeness between humans. Tsay is only a senior in high school himself and yet…
A Dinner with Rigoberto Gonzalez
I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Rigoberto Gonzalez April 16th, 2015. Prior to this dinner, I sat, front row, at his reading at the UConn Co-Op (brought to our campus but the Creative Writing Program). He read excerpts of his novels and discussed his experiences…
An Interview with Asinine Poetry Editor Shay Tasaday (2015)
Over the past few weeks, my fellow editors and I have been working on a journal project. We selected two literary journals, one of mine being Asinine Poetry, did some research and presented on them. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to have an interview with the editor…
An Interview with Rattle Magazine Editor Timothy Green (2015)
About a week ago, I had the pleasure to interview Timothy Green, an editor for Rattle. For those who don’t know, Rattle is a literary magazine based out of Los Angeles and founded in 1994 by Alan Fox. What is interesting about this is that Alan Fox is not someone…
Artist Interview with Erica Laucella in the Print Shop (2015)
At 11pm on a Monday, I had the opportunity to talk to Erica L, a 5th year senior in the art department. She specializes in print making, and we happened to be in the print shop. I knew Erica casually, but I had noted that she had a bright sense…
Artist Spotlight: Olivia Taylor
Olivia Taylor, senior at UConn’s School of Fine Arts, is a few weeks from graduating – but senioritis clearly hasn’t hit her too hard, because she’s been busy with her Senior Project! Her artwork stood out to me due to her unique use of typography and her art’s interaction with…
A Reflection on Journalism and Feature Writing
There are many different types of story-telling and, while we deal closely with the literary here, a close friend of ours is journalism: the art of reporting and relaying the stories of those around us. In particular, feature writing in journalism. More often than not, when journalists report on a story,…
A Bunch of Reasons Why Poetry is Important (to me)
Poetry is like when a stranger tells you your backpack is open and then proceeds to zip it up for you; it is small and momentary and connected. Loving poetry takes patience. It takes some sickness, too. It takes the small discs in your back and your esophagus, the spaces…
2015 UConn BFA Exhibition
The Windham Artspace in downtown Willimantic was one crowded art space as a sizable bunch of spectators gathered to view the culminating work of nearly fifty graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts students from the University of Connecticut last night. An impressive plethora of photography, painting, illustration, books, sculpture, installation, printwork,…
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