It was reverence I felt then, and I did not cower as it vibrated through me. El ritmo bonded us by our pies, our caderas, ventilating the air with scales speeding by. The beats amplified between our pechos, whistling for our cuerpos to collide. So I took a breath that…
Month: June 2017
It’s Here: the 20th Anniversary Issue of LRR!
It’s finally here, and it’s fluorescent. Our 20th Anniversary Issue is now available at the UConn Bookstore. We are so proud of this issue. Keep an eye out for the bright orange cover, and pick up your copy today. Thank you so much to our contributors that made this year’s…
Another 2017 video!
Take a look at one of our earlier videos from 2017, created by Ben Schultz and starring Creative Nonfiction Panelist, Brandon Marquis. Video by: Benjamin Schultz Get pumped for the Long River Review's 20th Anniversary Edition to be released this April! Posted by Long River Review on Sunday, February 26,…
Check Out the Making of the 20th Anniversary Edition of LRR
Check out our latest video, a mini behind-the-scenes look at the efforts of the 2017 LRR staff. Thank you to our talented team member, Ben Shultz!
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