I used to write everything in notebooks. It’s been years since I’ve done so regularly, and maybe that’s why The Millions blogger Ethan Hauser’s praise of pen and paper in his essay Baffling Dictums left me a little bit nostalgic. I don’t remember the exact moment when I stopped writing…
Category: Blog
Noche Dorada at UConn
On February 22nd, I went to the Lambda Upsilon Lambda event called “Noche Dorada.” It was mostly just an excuse to eat really good Spanish food– sweet platanos and arroz con pollo and creamy, amazing flan. The best part is that you get to eat the food while listening to…
Top 10 Short Stories by Famous Authors
The short story has been defined in several different manners. One definition that I find particularly pleasing is, “a story that one should be able to read in one sitting”. Edgar Allen Poe said something similar once. Here’s a list of some of my favorites, not in any respective order….
#tbt: Or, Prepubscent Poetry
I made a few promises to myself when I was younger: 1) Marry Peter Brady. (So far, I have made very little progress.) 2) Become a Pokemon master. (Working on it.) 3) Never stop writing. (Well, I haven’t stopped yet.) However, what “never ends” must at one point begin. I’m…
Ten Reasons to Drink Tea While You Read
1. Tea is awesome. Books are awesome. Why not combine the two? 2. Books can help fight sadness and some teas (i.e green tea) have also been proven to reduce depression. In short use them together for happy feelings. 3. Tea is a stimulant that often contains caffeine which…
A Little Late on the OSC Train
Late last year, the issue of Orson Scott Card’s political views came back into the public light in full force with the impending release of the film version of his critically acclaimed novel Ender’s Game. Everyone wanted to have their say on the matter criticizing him. There was even a…
“Soooo….Do You Want to be a Teacher?”: Lessons Learned from Being an English Major
I never liked kids. My mom loves to tell the story of how, when I was five, I asked where babies come from. After she detailed the process in five-year-old speak, I wrinkled my nose. “Am I going to have to do that?” Don’t get me wrong, I like my…
Feed Your Inner Wanderer
“A man cannot become wise until he has weathered/ his share of winters in this world” – from The Wanderer, trans. RM Liuzza *** Though the wind-chill was still below zero this morning, little February is coming to an end and taking winter with it. Spring is just 20 days…
Top 10 International Author Quotes
Amazing writers from around the globe, instead of trying to convince you why they’re worth a read, I’ll let them speak for themselves. 1)Gabriel GarcíaMárquez / Colombia “Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but … life obliges…
*—Top 10 Romantic Movie Lines for an Awful Poem—*
Each verse gets worse– a last-ditch effort to disseminate some quality teen angst before Valentine’s Month is over: I want you to draw me like one of your French girls But I am nobody’s little weasel. They say bread is life. And I bake bread, bread, bread….
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