We’ve all been through this phase, where we invent excuses to justify why we don’t write. The words just won’t come out, and we tell ourselves it’s not our fault, that there are forces beyond our control at play. This is the first myth we tell ourselves, because…
Category: Online Work
L(RR) is for…
Warning: It’s that time of year. You already know what this post is about. ( Since there’s been love, and language of course, there have been words, infinite words, written about love. In fact, many would argue that love is one of, if not the, most pervasive topic in literature….
hint fiction (n) : a story of 25 words or fewer that suggests a larger, more complex story
Hint fiction, a genre that has been around since the beginning of story-telling, has made a great comeback on the literary scene, thanks in large part to one of my all-time favorite books, titled, aptly, hint fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer edited by Robert Swartwood….
A Turn Towards Recklessness
As most of us know, reading an assigned text is not always the most enjoyable experience. If you were to tell me that your mind never wanders, or that you never think about everything else you could be doing at that exact moment, I have a feeling you would be…
Writers on Writing
Writers on Writing I’ve always liked quotes. I also like writing. Consequently, I’ve developed a fondness for writerly advice from other writers. And why not learn from the greats? As Issac Newton says, “If I have seen further [than certain other men] it is by standing upon the shoulders…
The Art of Letterpress
Two years ago, I was in a basic printshop class in the Bishop Center on campus. The major printshop, where most of the intaglio etching, woodblock carving, and lithography happen, is connected to a smaller, more tightly arranged room. The room is full of giant presses, book weights that were taller than…
If my life is ever biography-worthy…
Who would I like to write about my…. Feeling alive? Ray Bradbury. “The grass whispered under his body. He put his arm down, feeling the sheath of fuzz on it, and, far away, below, his toes creaking in his shoes. The wind sighed over his shelled ears. The…
Under-appreciated: Children’s Literature
Some of the most introspective and poignant, or just plain fun, books I’ve ever read were children’s books, specifically middle grade fiction. Young adult “novels” often try too hard to be “edgy” or immediately date themselves with slang and cultural references, or depict young adults and their plights as shallow…
Dinosaur Junior By Julie Bartoli (2014)
Jennie Hackman Memorial Award for Short Fiction, Winner (2014) Sid sits on the overhang outside his bedroom window, watching cars. It’s one of those deadbeat summer days, mid-July and steaming. This week the number one song on the radio talks about driving with the windows rolled down, but Sid has…
So you want to apply to a MFA Program?
So you want to apply to a MFA program? Having just graduated from the University of Connecticut and heading to the University of New Hampshire’s MFA Program in Creative Writing this fall, I would like to share my experience in the process of applying to MFA programs. Even though…
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