Daughter * If I have a daughter, I will tell her to always think she is ready for this shiny, fast-moving world because at least then, when it barrels at her unannounced, she will have the sense to keep her head up and watch with open hands when it comes…
Category: Online Work
We Found Poetry in…Teds?
In honor of the upcoming release of our newest edition of the Long River Review, the team behind the magazine has started a community-wide poem to spread both awareness of this release and to bond our wonderful community by awakening the inner poet, we all have within us. Linked between classes,…
Top Ten Nonfiction Books That Will Change Your Life
These ten books, I can say with confidence, have changed my life in some way, and they will probably change your life too. Or, maybe not, because I’m me and you aren’t. But I’m fairly certain that these books will make you think about nonfiction, or English boarding schools, or…
Travel Notes: Your Local Supermarket
The literary journal Literary Bohemian features a section called “Travel Notes.” This is a space for the vagabonds of the world to publish their thoughts on their adventures, but LitBo’s editors refuse to publish anything typical, or cliche. Travel Notes doesn’t have to be for the European jet-setter; in fact,…
Throwback Thursday – High Fantasy
What follows is something that I wrote in high school, I think because I wanted to follow in the footsteps of Christopher Paolini and write a (what I thought at the time was good) fantasy series, get published, get paid, and ignore the realities of life. It’s the prologue of…
Storytelling in Video Games
I used to hold the opinion that video games couldn’t be considered an art form. This was in part because it resembled nothing close to traditional art, and also because I liked video games, and I figured a teenager with minimal life experience’s opinion on anything was probably wrong. Naturally,…
Top Ten Screenplays
April 15, 2014: Yet another rainy (almost monsoon-like) day in Storrs, Connecticut, home of our beloved Long River and the UConn Huskies. The weather outside is so stiflingly crappy, it seems like the perfect day to make yourself a cup of tea (Nyanka certainly recommends it, here’s why), curl up…
Writer Crush Wednesday – Ian Doescher
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t really have a favorite author or a favorite book because that status is always changing. That being said, my current flavor of the month is Ian Doescher, an only recently published author, known for his bestselling debut novel, “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A…
The Beauty of Multitasking
Like many of you readers, I have too many interests and not enough time. Being the industrious person that I am, I have started to combine my hobbies to try to be more efficient. However, because my three favorite activities are running, crocheting (and/or knitting), and reading, the resulting combinations…
Delirium Series (Non Spoiler)
Click here for the Original Book Review I spent my spring break in Tallahassee, Florida . . . reading books. The books in question are the Delirium Series by Lauren Oliver. I had heard mixed reviews about the book but I couldn’t resist purchasing it when Barnes and Noble sent me an…
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