I just returned from a run over a bridge and back in the rain and I’m thinking about three things: The job I just started, the neighborhood I just moved to, and the essay that’s been haunting me since I started writing it in Ellen Litman’s creative writing class last…
Category: Online Work
My Summer Internship at W.W. Norton
This summer I interned as the electronic media assistant in the college department at W.W. Norton & Company. Given my past internship experiences and my editorship on the Long River Review, I had thought it would be easy to get a summer internship at a publishing company. My naïveté was…
Graduating in Poetic Form
My first weekend of college it poured. In typical New England fashion, the skies opened and the rain came down in the warm summer darkness. Refusing to let the weather ruin our weekend, we donned trash bags and went outside to dance in the rain and go sledding in the…
Where are the Female Poets?
Earlier this semester I was fortunate enough to sit down with Shara McCallum, UConn’s Aetna Writer-in-Residence for the spring, and have her review my work. As anybody who had the opportunity to talk to Shara while she was on campus can attest to, she was incredibly lovely and warm, and…
Spoken Word Poetry
Recently, while skimming through some TED Talks, I came upon a talk done by Sarah Kay on Spoken Word Poetry. Prior to this talk, I had never heard of spoken word. I assumed it was when poets traveled to different cafés, universities, and book stores to read their recently published…
Authors and Alcoholism
I’d like to believe you don’t have to be an alcoholic, drug addict, or suicidal to be a killer writer, but these tendencies certainly frequent many great authors’ lives. In every literature class I have taken, my professors present the pieces to be read that semester along with the biographies…
Kay Ryan, The Wallace Stevens Poetry Program Speaker
This year the Wallace Stevens Poetry Program will feature former U.S. poet laureate and 2011 Pulitzer Prize in poetry for her collection The Best of It: New and Selected Poems, Kay Ryan. Though Ryan did not publish her first book until she was forty years old her work has earned…
When a Poem Isn’t Just a Poem…
A tension often belies the relationship of the writer and the reader. Some authors are vehemently and vocally opposed to certain interpretations of their work, while still others refuse to even read reviews or criticism of their stories, novels, or poems. Authors even go so far as to directly interfere…
LRR is…
Last year, the team at LRR created a video sharing the words they felt best described the magazine. Since then, the Long River Review has evolved, and it welcomes a new round of editors with their take on what makes the LRR unique. For all of these reasons, become part…
10 Ways to Know You’re an English Major
1. You use those golden words you picked up from class, like juxtapose and dichotomy, way too frequently in everyday conversations, like a phone call with your mother who’s clearly not impressed. 2. You talk about famous writers like you know them personally, the way Matt Damon’s character in Good…
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