Interview by: 2015 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on April 28, 2015. I had the pleasure of speaking with Tyler Tsay, the editor-in-chief, of the profound new literary journal The Blueshift Journal. This journal features young, relatively undiscovered writers and artists, hoping that great art will provide an…
Category: Interviews
An Interview with Asinine Poetry Editor Shay Tasaday (2015)
Interview by: 2015 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on April 23, 2015. Over the past few weeks, my fellow editors and I have been working on a journal project. We selected two literary journals, one of mine being Asinine Poetry, did some research and presented on them….
An Interview with Rattle Magazine Editor Timothy Green (2015)
Interview by: 2015 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally posted on April 21, 2015. About a week ago, I had the pleasure to interview Timothy Green, an editor for Rattle. For those who don’t know, Rattle is a literary magazine based out of Los Angeles and founded in…
An Interview with Timothy Stobierski (2013)
Interview by: 2013 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on April 1, 2013. After graduating UConn in 2011, former Long River Review editor Timothy Stobierski went on to publish his first book of poetry, Chronicles of a Bee Whisperer (River Otter Press, 2012). Several poems in Chronicles of…
An Interview with Bruce Cohen (2013)
Interview by: 2013 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on March 15, 2013. Bruce Cohen has written three volumes of poetry: Placebo Junkies Conspiring With the Half Asleep (2012), Swerve (2011), and Disloyal Yo-Yo (2009). He teaches creative writing at UConn. The following interview was conducted by Long…
Interview with Melissa Watterworth Batt (2012)
Interview by: 2012 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on May 3, 2012. During these past two semesters, I have worked as an intern in the archives at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, first blogging for the SideStream section of the Fresh Pickin’s blog and, more recently,…
An Interview with Kay Ryan (2012)
Interview by: Devin O’Hara Note: the following interview was originally published on April 15, 2012. On April 9 and 10, Pulitzer Prize-winner and former U.S. Poet Laureate Kay Ryan visited the University of Connecticut as the 49th annual Wallace Stevens poet. Amanda Norelli wrote an introduction for Ms. Ryan on the…
LRR Interviews the 2012 Design Team (2012)
Interview by: 2012 LRR Staff Note: the following interview was originally published on April 9, 2012. Come and show your support for our talented artists at the senior art showcase Friday, April 27, 2012! This year’s team includes Rebecca Hawley, Dana Haddad, Daryl Wu, and Taylor Diglio. LRR: Favorite medium? Rebecca…
Interview with Diane Smith, Joseph Michael Owens, and Annam Manthiram, editors of “Grey Sparrow” (2011)
Interview by: Alyssa Palazzo Note: the following interview was originally published on April 4, 2011. 1. Universities and presses back several magazines, but this does not appear to be the case with Grey Sparrow. Where do you receive your funding? Diane Smith: I personally fund Grey Sparrow from a modest savings…
Interview with Alyssa Palazzo (2011)
Interview by: Lynnette Repellot Note: the following interview was originally published on April 4, 2011. Palazzo is a creative non-fiction panelist for the Long River Review. Q: You write poetry, creative non-fiction, and fiction. What appeals to you about writing in the poetic form? In the prose form? A lot…
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