By Anna Zarra Aldrich The male ego has been a fragile thing for centuries; and in the 19th century, this ego was especially threatened by a particularly heinous device that could eliminate a woman’s need for a man entirely: Books. Sinister, seditious, patriarchy-disestablishing books. When women became more active members…
Tag: Books

Writing With Sound: Making playlists for your stories
Sometimes to see, you need to listen first. For almost all of the projects I would create before 2016, I ran into a wall over and over again: For some reason, I couldn’t visualize anything about my stories the way I needed to. It wasn’t because I didn’t have a…
The Smell of Books > The Smell of the Screen
When I was in elementary school back in 2009, I remember being envious of the kids whose parents let them borrow their Nooks (or Kindles?). It made those kids look cool and sophisticated. Then again, when you’re young anything new looks cool. I was there when my teachers started using…

8 Unconventional Uses for Books
Ah books. We all have them. We love them. But sometimes we have books that could be put to better use than sitting around gathering dust on a shelf. Maybe it’s a 1973 field guide of Birds of New England or How to use Myspace for Dummies or your old…
Cracking a Cold One with the Books By: Parker Gregory Shpak
Two of my most frequented hobbies are reading books and drinking beer. My favorite hobby, however, is reading books while drinking beer. Herein lies a primer for those of you who have perhaps dabbled in these pastimes, but have not yet mastered them in combination. Beer has as rich a…
Books and Videogames: A Marriage of Two Mediums By: Autumn Magro
I love videogames more than books – sometimes. It’s not easy to admit that books are not my one bountiful passion in life (because how romantic is that?), and it’s taken me even longer to rationalize the two together. Unlike books, there is a negative connotation with video games. There…
Ten Books I was Assigned to Read as an Undergrad that Actually Didn’t Suck By: Amanda McCarthy
It happens every semester. You arrive on the first day of class, sit down, and pour over the list of assigned texts that you will need to trudge through over the coming months. You remember something your tenth grade English teacher said about the classics being important and every time…
A Foray into Fantasy: Seven Must-Read Recommendations By: Rebecca Hill
The first book that I ever fell in love with was Dinosaurs at Dark, the first of the Magic Tree House series . I remember sitting alone on the living room carpet at six years old when, suddenly, I realized I was reading a “real” book with no…
Potato-Ball Days: Spring Cleaning and Rediscovering the Thrill of Pleasure By: Nicholas DiBenedetto
“Put all your books on the floor.” Marie Kondo The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing Spring has finally woken up here in New England! Okay, maybe not quite yet, but I’m sure I heard him rustling around in his room. Honestly, I don’t…
Embarrassing First Lines By: Sydney Lauro
A few years ago, my mom found an old composition notebook of mine from when I was a wee tike. In it, there was one entry that struck her. It said something like: “Meghan (my sister) says if I try hard one day I might write good.” Even little me…
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