I know what you’re thinking. Fanfiction. Aka poorly written smut by hormonal preteens. As a true lover of literature, I have no patience whatsoever for ill-written work. However, I refuse to condemn an entire community of writers based on the reputations of a few. If there’s anything I’ve learned by…
Tag: fanfiction
On Letting Go of Favorite Books by Rebecca Nelson
I have a bad habit of latching on to books that have had a great impact on me. There are shelves of books in my bedroom that I’ve read at least once, most of them three times or more. I also have a bookcase full of books I’ve never read,…
Why I am Thankful for Fanfiction
In light of the attention Fifty Shades has been getting lately, many media outlets have been conversing upon the fact that it started as Twilight fanfiction. With the online publishing changing the way writing is traditionally done, there are discussions about the legality of who owns the fan work —…
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