Take a look at one of our earlier videos from 2017, created by Ben Schultz and starring Creative Nonfiction Panelist, Brandon Marquis. Video by: Benjamin Schultz Get pumped for the Long River Review's 20th Anniversary Edition to be released this April! Posted by Long River Review on Sunday, February 26,…
Tag: long river review
Check Out the Making of the 20th Anniversary Edition of LRR
Check out our latest video, a mini behind-the-scenes look at the efforts of the 2017 LRR staff. Thank you to our talented team member, Ben Shultz!
Cracking a Cold One with the Books By: Parker Gregory Shpak
Two of my most frequented hobbies are reading books and drinking beer. My favorite hobby, however, is reading books while drinking beer. Herein lies a primer for those of you who have perhaps dabbled in these pastimes, but have not yet mastered them in combination. Beer has as rich a…
Where I Am Going And Where I Have Been By: Maggie Parker
I live in extremes. People laugh when I say that, they smile at me as if they know what I mean. “You go from zero to 60. But you got that from me.” My mother has said to me. But she’s wrong, I’m not like her. My intensity is drug…
My Voice is like Bomba Gabriela García Sánchez
Writing, music, art, and dance all have one thing in common–voice. No matter the art form, the creator laces his or her own voice into the work. In Eleanor Parker Sapa’s blog, Finding Your Unique Writing Voice, Sapa defines voice as “the unique way by which we see, experience, and…
Ginsberg Would Have Wanted You to Get this Tattoo By: Betty Noe
Browsing through the blog of the literary journal Paper Darts (a fine publication that I would recommend to anyone—even if only for the top notch staff bios) my eyes hit on a headline that I couldn’t pass-up: Five Roxane Gay quotes we just might tattoo on our biceps. Talk about…
Punctuation Party Stereotypes By: Mairead Loschi
If you’re living the life of a typical college student, you’ve probably made it to a party or two (no word back on if you remember them…). And, if you’re at all like me (a writer and a deeply introverted person), you’ve probably also cringed at the memory of going…
Books and Videogames: A Marriage of Two Mediums By: Autumn Magro
I love videogames more than books – sometimes. It’s not easy to admit that books are not my one bountiful passion in life (because how romantic is that?), and it’s taken me even longer to rationalize the two together. Unlike books, there is a negative connotation with video games. There…
Does My Voice Need a Color? Platforms and Safe Spaces
Times have changed for those who voice their opinion to the public. The internet is readily available to everyone and it is waiting for us to post our thoughts—in one hundred and forty characters or less. It’s a privilege to have access to a platform through which we can assert…
PATERSON: The Blue-Collar Poet and Writing with a ‘Day Job’ By: Nicholas DiBenedetto
Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson is Paterson in ways that I never realized something could be Paterson. The film’s star, Adam Driver, plays a bus driver and poet named Paterson, who lives in the city of Paterson, New Jersey, and whose favorite poet is William Carlos Williams (whose epic poem Paterson, is…
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