Hint fiction, a genre that has been around since the beginning of story-telling, has made a great comeback on the literary scene, thanks in large part to one of my all-time favorite books, titled, aptly, hint fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer edited by Robert Swartwood….
Tag: long river review
If my life is ever biography-worthy…
Who would I like to write about my…. Feeling alive? Ray Bradbury. “The grass whispered under his body. He put his arm down, feeling the sheath of fuzz on it, and, far away, below, his toes creaking in his shoes. The wind sighed over his shelled ears. The…
Dinosaur Junior By Julie Bartoli (2014)
Jennie Hackman Memorial Award for Short Fiction, Winner (2014) Sid sits on the overhang outside his bedroom window, watching cars. It’s one of those deadbeat summer days, mid-July and steaming. This week the number one song on the radio talks about driving with the windows rolled down, but Sid has…
“Artifacts of Our Affection” By Amber West (2014)
Wallace Stevens Poetry Prize, Second Place (2014) When I notice mold in my toothbrush mug I remember the pigeons roosting in the airshaft: their toilet, their nest, our bedroom view dusk and dawn Monogamous, amorous, pigeons are known for their soft cooing calls Once I had three mugs. Gold-trimmed. Blond…
“Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Last One-Artist Show at the Baghoomian Gallery” By Kate Monica (2014)
Wallace Stevens Poetry Contest, Second Place (2014) Collins Literary Prize, Poetry Winner (2014) The passion’s bled out. I’ve split open all the oranges I possibly could to see the wet jewels shining like teeth in the sun and I’ve pushed my fingers into the meat of it and I’ve popped…
“The Wall” By Miller Oberman (2014)
Wallace Stevens Poetry Contest, Winner (2014) Once, drunk, and having just avoided a fight, the two walked outside from the dark dive smelling thrillingly of sour beer and sweat and clapping the blue pool chalk from their hands, they, coming to a boarded up construction site, made fists, their hair…
Inspired by Spoken Word
Daughter * If I have a daughter, I will tell her to always think she is ready for this shiny, fast-moving world because at least then, when it barrels at her unannounced, she will have the sense to keep her head up and watch with open hands when it comes…
Top Ten Nonfiction Books That Will Change Your Life
These ten books, I can say with confidence, have changed my life in some way, and they will probably change your life too. Or, maybe not, because I’m me and you aren’t. But I’m fairly certain that these books will make you think about nonfiction, or English boarding schools, or…
Writer Crush Wednesday – Ian Doescher
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t really have a favorite author or a favorite book because that status is always changing. That being said, my current flavor of the month is Ian Doescher, an only recently published author, known for his bestselling debut novel, “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A…
Feed Your Inner Wanderer
“A man cannot become wise until he has weathered/ his share of winters in this world” – from The Wanderer, trans. RM Liuzza *** Though the wind-chill was still below zero this morning, little February is coming to an end and taking winter with it. Spring is just 20 days…
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