Daughter * If I have a daughter, I will tell her to always think she is ready for this shiny, fast-moving world because at least then, when it barrels at her unannounced, she will have the sense to keep her head up and watch with open hands when it comes…
Tag: lrr
Writer Crush Wednesday – Ian Doescher
I’m the kind of person that doesn’t really have a favorite author or a favorite book because that status is always changing. That being said, my current flavor of the month is Ian Doescher, an only recently published author, known for his bestselling debut novel, “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A…
The Beauty of Multitasking
Like many of you readers, I have too many interests and not enough time. Being the industrious person that I am, I have started to combine my hobbies to try to be more efficient. However, because my three favorite activities are running, crocheting (and/or knitting), and reading, the resulting combinations…
Top 10 Short Stories by Famous Authors
The short story has been defined in several different manners. One definition that I find particularly pleasing is, “a story that one should be able to read in one sitting”. Edgar Allen Poe said something similar once. Here’s a list of some of my favorites, not in any respective order….
Feed Your Inner Wanderer
“A man cannot become wise until he has weathered/ his share of winters in this world” – from The Wanderer, trans. RM Liuzza *** Though the wind-chill was still below zero this morning, little February is coming to an end and taking winter with it. Spring is just 20 days…
Ten Fantastic Examples of Queer Person-of-Color Literature
In my experience as a student of the public school system, English literature departments seldom offer texts in the curriculum that deviate from a white, middle-to-upper class, Eurocentric (and very often male) voice. Students like me are taught authors like Shakespeare and Dickens, Steinbeck and Fitzgerald and Faulkner. The poets…