5 female singer-songwriters who put poetry into pop By Ryan Amato When you think of creative writing, chances are you don’t immediately think of music; but you’d be surprised that the same amount of creativity that goes into crafting the powerful metaphors and storylines that can be found in some…
Tag: writer

Why I now have all the free time to write, yet I don’t do it
By Ryan Amato Staying home all day, avoiding contact with others, having less obligations than usual: This is the writer’s dream. Or, at least, it should be. For some reason, the idea of sitting down to write something just hasn’t crossed my mind, despite having nothing but free time to…

Writing With Sound: Making playlists for your stories
Sometimes to see, you need to listen first. For almost all of the projects I would create before 2016, I ran into a wall over and over again: For some reason, I couldn’t visualize anything about my stories the way I needed to. It wasn’t because I didn’t have a…

How to Be A Starbucks Writer
If you’ve taken a creative writing course, or desperately searched the internet for tips to increase your writing efficiency, you may have been exposed to “The Coffee Shop Effect.” It is believed that a change of location, not to mention the caffeine fix, can be beneficial for boosting creativity and…
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