1. Tea is awesome. Books are awesome. Why not combine the two?
Books can help fight sadness and some teas (i.e green tea) have also been proven to reduce depression. In short use them together for happy feelings.
Tea is a stimulant that often contains caffeine which as an avid reader you could use to help you tough out those late night reading binges.
Certain teas are soothing and can help you deal with those heart wrenching plot twists. You know you’ll need the help.
Tea has a number of health benefits. It’s always more fun to read when you don’t have to struggle with coughing fits, weakness, congestion, or any number of gross sickly bodily breakdowns.
Tea keeps you WARM!! (New Englanders we all know we need warmth right now.) It’s much easier to enjoy and focus on your books when you’re not shivering to generate body heat.
Flavors! There are thousands of tea flavors and there are just as many book flavors. Mix and match tea flavors to book flavors to see which compliment each other.
Stay slim while you read. We all know readers are sedentary creatures. Some teas help you “lose weight” while most just help increase your metabolism.
You can never have enough books or tea so why limit yourself to having either alone?
10. You should drink tea and read books because you have 9 great reasons to do it and NO REASONS WHY YOU SHOULDN’T.
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