Last night at approximately 7pm, this year’s beautiful Long River edition was released to the public. To celebrate, the staff threw a large launch party hosted in UConn’s new CoOp Bookstore. Using the funds procured from our banging bar night (thank you again to all who went!) and other fundraising, we purchased array of goodies for our guest to munch on. We even got fancy with some caviar and stuffed olives!
After everyone was fed and seated, Darcie started off the night with a lovely introduction. Krisela followed, reading eloquently from her moving and clever author’s note, and then Bryce, who detailed all the amazing work the design center had done for us this semester. Next Jerome spoke for us all when he stood up and thanked all the people that have been so supportive this past semester (including Darcie and Bryce!!). Finally, it was time for the readers.
The genre editors, Lindsey, Thomas and I, each stood up and introduced our selected readers. This year we were lucky to have a broad range of talent who were willing to read for us. Their pieces, each as unique as the next, were a thrill to listen to; some inspiring, some impassioned, some darkly humorous. Check out some of the pictures I snapped!
We ended the night with sparkling cider and great thanks to all who attended. I personally am so proud of everything the staff has accomplished this year and for the beautiful edition we have created. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to have one of your own. As mentioned above, we have a huge range of superb writings this year, including an exclusive interview with Andres Dubus III and translations from Zakaryaa Tamer, one of the most widely-read short story writers in the Arabic world. You can pick up our new edition at the UConn CoOp. Also, keep checking our website for upcoming, web-only publications!
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