Hunter French, a senior at the University of Connecticut working towards a BFA with a Graphics Art concentration, wasn’t always planning to be an art major. Though he was always interested in art, from his drawing classes to an AP Studio course in high school, French entered college not entirely sure where his love for art fell on his priority list. After a year or so, however, Hunter realized, in his words, “What it takes to be an art major.”
Now, Hunter produces stunning graphic pieces that incorporate social media and every day objects to depict pieces that emphasize the personal, emotional relationship society has with social media.
“Social media displays itself in chronological order and it’s very cool how the hashtags and trending topics create a story around an event,” said Hunter. “I attempt to take the energy you expect to see from social media and show it in a different way.”
Hunter uses programs like InDesign and Photoshop to pull objects back to their roots. He plays with patterns, constraints, pop-culture and largely televised events in his work. Hunter also searches for formats to set up finite explorations in his work.
Some of Hunter’s artists influences include Chip Kidd, Paul Sahre and Sammy Slabbinck.