Christian Buckley You may find yourself, a perspective novelist, dragging your forehead across the keyboard for your first chapter. And you’d be in good company as almost everyone has gone through this process. The first chapter is your chance to reel in your readers, but it’s also where you can…
Month: February 2018

4 Novelists You Didn’t Know Were Poets
Raeann Veronesi One time, I took a BuzzFeed quiz that told me to build a bedroom and they’ll tell me what to do with my life. My result? “Write the next great American Novel”. As a poet, I laughed. But also, as a poet, sometimes I have the urge to…
7 Poems to Start Every Morning This Week With
Kelly Stoldt I like to start off my mornings with a poem. Reading or listening to poetry helps get myself in a headspace where I’m overall more in tune with my own emotions and the people around me. They can be deep and heartbreaking, often both, and inspires me to…
Albums to Read to
Elizabeth Sankey I’ve always struggled combining my two favorite art forms: music and writing. Often, they can distract from one another when I’m attempting to both read and listen simultaneously. I’m sure many of us have experienced the distraction that comes with music interrupting the literary train of focus and…
10 Times Celebrities Accidentally Tweeted a Haiku
Lili Fishman Poetry may be one of the more disliked genres of writing. Some people get turned off by poetry because they believe that every word has a double meaning, or the poet never truly means what the reader thinks they mean, or it is vague and snobby. This difficulty…
The Perfect Tea for Your Next Read
Daniela Doncel Despite the never-ending debate of “coffee or tea” among readers and writers, there’s this consensus that there should be a hot beverage of some kind nearby when engaging in fun activities involving words. For some, it may be the kick they need to push through a tough chapter….
Five Films to Watch if you Love Poetry
Siobhan Dale At first glance, poetry and film seem like opposed mediums. Poetry is textual; film is visual. Poetry suggests solitary study; film reaches out to a communal audience. However, many of the techniques of film closely align with those of poetry, so much so that anyone who loves poetry…
3 Reasons Why Winter Reading is an Economically Rational Decision
Jack Sullivan I’m cold, cranky, and tired right now thanks to the frozen tundra called Connecticut. It’s that wonderful time of the year when snow is poorly substituted for frozen rain, and the wind complements the miserable climate by giving your face frostbite. Being cooped up indoors has been overhyped,…
Why Kombucha is a New Part of my Daily Routine
Jake Santo “GTS Trilogy Kombucha” picture with a Kaws “Small Lie” figure. Taken by Jake Santo Kombucha is a brew-style tea, that consists of naturally fermenting bacteria, that are rich in probiotics and tons of other healthy vitamins and amino acids. This might sound like a lot of components for…
Six Lessons From Clarice Lispector to Disturb Your Universe
Sammi Bassman For those of you who have not yet read The Passion According to G.H., published in 1964, put it on the book list immediately. Clarice Lispector is a Brazilian author who wrote a novel of mysticism, somewhere between imprisonment and liberation. Described as a monologue of a woman…
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