In a hyper Masculine world it can sometimes be hard for a man to express his emotions. But cooking could be an avenue to say I love you…
Month: February 2022

Breaking Down The English Major Stigma
Do any of you English majors out there feel like your career options are limited? Well, worry no more. Soon-to-be graduate Sam Bastille has ideas for you (and yes, more than just teaching)…

Orange Trees And Iron Widows: Spring Semester TBR
Need some new books to get you through Spring Break? Eileen Sholomicky has some stellar recommendations

Dream Me The World: A Review Of “The Raven Cycle” By Maggie Stiefvater
If you’re looking for a dreamy, atmospheric contemporary fantasy series, Rylee Thomas cannot recommend Maggie Stiefvater’s “The Raven Cycle” highly enough

Convenience Store Woman: A Review
Heartwarming and unique, “Convenience Store Woman” explores how “abnormal” people are ostracized from society. Aayushi Agarwal reviews Sayaka Murata’s immerse tale

The Stories We Tell Part 1: Eileen Sholomicky
When you write, what are you really writing about? It’s the age-old question, and one that Nicole Catarino explores in an interview with LRR’s own fiction editor, Eileen Sholomicky

Benjamin Franklin: Some Philosophical Undertakings
In the mood to contemplate a unique twist on classic ethics and philosophy? Samantha Bertolino examines Benjamin Franklin’s take on moral perfectionism…

Writing As Resistance: The Significance Of Storytelling
Jess Gallagher explores a process that gives all stories their worth. Read how your own personal history can be used to fuel your stories…

Blurring Boundaries: Challenging Our Compulsion To Categorize Writing
Emerging writers often struggle with the urge to make their writing fit an ambiguous mold of perfection. Luckily, Jess Gallagher has advice…