Aayushi Agarwal reviews a Bollywood film which analyzes the effect that the English language has on class dynamics within India…
Month: March 2022

Finger Grazing And Gay Pirates: Hats Off To “Bridgerton” And “Our Flag Means Death”
Yearning for a new TV show to obsess over? Aren’t we all. Luckily for us, Michaela Flaherty decided to binge TWO gems last Friday, complete with romance, drama, and compelling characters…

Literary Tunes
Looking for the perfect playlist for quiet reading hours and stressful cramming sessions alike? Aiden Pass walks you through the best ways to experience lo-fi…

An English Major Who Hopes To Read The Classics
Looking to take a foray into the exciting world of classic literature? English major Aayushi Agarwal has prepared the must-read checklist for you…

Taylor Jenkins Reid’s Hollywood
Written By: Sophie Archambault I love Hollywood. I love the movies, the fashion, the scandal, the gossip, the award shows. I stalk celebrities’ Instagram accounts like it’s my job and read People magazine in waiting rooms. So naturally, it follows that I also love Taylor Jenkins Reid. Though Reid started…

Interview: Reopening Of Madison Cinema
Michaela Flaherty shows us what it takes to run an independent Movie Theatre in her interview with Lizzy O’Gara the general manager of Madison Cinemas…

Literary Excursions: The Mark Twain House
Looking for a literary destination? Last weekend, Emily Graham took her father on a tour of the Mark Twain House, a stunning Victorian just outside Hartford…

Life-Saving Websites and Resources for Writers
Do you consider character creation the most challenging part of storytelling? Does worldbuilding give you hives? Nicole Catarino has the perfect websites for you…

Flowers in the Attic: Incest, Rape and Murder-by-Doughnut: Some Context to V.C. Andrews’ Global Hit
Ever heard of “Flowers in the Attic”? Samatha Bertolino read one of the most controversial books of all time so you don’t have to…

The Betrayal Of Bo Burnham: Casting “Good Guys” As “Bad Guys”
Michaela Flaherty explores how subverting typecasting can create a dialogue that complicates our gendered expectations of the do-good, predictable hero…