Written By: Kamila Ciebielski
The 2023 Wonka film was surprising to say the least, unexpectedly diverging from the 2005 and 1971 adaptations of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Rather than exploring the story line of Tim Burton’s 2005 version — the mysterious story of a strict dentist father who prohibited Willy Wonka from ever indulging in sweets — audiences encounter a heartwarming narrative wherein Willy aims to “reunite” with his deceased mother upon achieving success. While this new story leaves viewers dissatisfied and wanting the stories they’ve been waiting to be explored, the film offers its share of commendable aspects.
Timothée Chalamet’s portrayal of Wonka stands out as a highlight, capturing the whimsical, eccentric essence of the character while infusing it with a touch of mystery and eeriness. Although the film steers away from Tim Burton’s signature aesthetic, Chalamet’s performance and complexion anchors it down to the style of Tim Burton (perhaps are more cheery Tim Burton). However, the film’s inconsistency in accents, featuring a mix of Milanese and Parisian tones despite its English setting, detracts from letting the audience immerse themselves into the film. This detail may seem trivial, but it proves to be distracting and disrupts the viewing experience.
Despite this, the film delivers a sweet narrative, particularly emphasizing the heartwarming bond between Noodle and Wonka. Continuing the theme of Wonka learning large life lessons from children from the previous movies. Some songs throughout this so-called-musical were not very catchy and seemed as fillers rather than good additions. Except, the most catchy song “You’ve Never Had Chocolate Like This” leaves a lasting impression, I am still humming the tone. I do have to say the decision to deviate from the beloved 2005 Oompa Loompas to Hugh Grant’s CGI interpretation diminishes the film’s charm, and a sentiment shared by many fans.
Overall, I think younger audiences, one’s that haven’t been exposed to previous Wonka versions, may thoroughly enjoy the film. Those with preconceived expectations may find themselves disappointed. As someone who entered the movie with their own set of anticipations, I found it fell short of reaching the heights I had hoped for.