Written by: Ella Raath
Imagine it’s the summer, say mid-July. You don’t have work today or any assignments or summer courses to work on. In fact, you realize that today you have nothing to do! You could go to the beach, go for a leisurely stroll in the park, meet up with friends for lemonade or ice cream, go for a drive with the music loud and the windows down. Really, the world is your oyster.
Now imagine it’s raining. And not a light sun shower, but a July thunderstorm. The heat and humidity have created thunder and lightning, and rain… lots and lots of rain.
Some would say that this is the ideal reading weather! The sound of the rain is usually found to be relaxing. Being able to cozy up with a good book in the summer is a small pleasure we forget about when it gets hot outside. There also isn’t any FOMO over a beautiful day, because there isn’t one! There shouldn’t even be a “productive” FOMO for doing errands because it’s a torrential downpour outside! Driving in this weather? I don’t think so.
Now let’s go back to that beautiful sunny and hot day. No work, no assignments, just yourself to decide how you want to live your day. Now, hypothetically, let’s say you are close to a beach. You make your way down with sunscreen, a towel, and a book! You get to hear the sound of the waves crashing at the shore, the sun beaming down on you, seagulls making seagull sounds, and the sound of families playing on the sand and in the water. There is no such thing as “too hot” because the ocean is right there, ready to cool you off! What could be better than that?
My favorite summer reading weather personally goes to the hot, sunny day. There are very few things I love more than reading on the beach. The sweat or the sunscreen doesn’t bother me. I love taking my reading breaks in the water anyways! What’s your ideal reading weather?