The week before I graduated high school I received a letter in the mail from my fifth grade self. My librarian had had us write them in our final days of elementary school and she saved them in her attic for seven years before sending a friendly reminder of the…
Category: Online Work
The Adaptation
Over the years, film and television adaptations of novels have become more and more common in our media. For us book lovers, that can be our greatest wish fulfilled or our greatest disappointment. Sometimes the adaptation can be reflective of the novel with love or another entity entirely. These are…
The Top Ten Books For Your Existential Crisis
As graduation looms ahead for many of the seniors here on campus, I’ve had quite a few conversations dealing with the anxious contemplation of what’s next. The closing of such a significant chapter like the completion of someone’s undergraduate career can be a stressful time for anyone. Whether the nerves…
When Will the World Learn?
When I was in high school, I went to a leadership conference in Washington, D.C. my sophomore year. The experience was truly incredible but looking back on everything there is an experience that sticks out among the rest. When my father and I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum. While at…
What Will Our Generation Be Known For?
My grandfather was one of 16 children. He grew up with one pair of shoes, and when those wore out, he couldn’t afford to buy new ones because he had to give all of the money he made to his parents to support the family. He was a 12 year…
Community-Wide Poem Continued…
Remember that post about collecting poetry in Teds and how we were going to continue to collect more lines on Fairfield way? Wellll…it happened! I know you guys have been waiting on the edge of your seats to see what other lines your fellow students came up with, and I’m…
The Lost Cica Macska
I am 50% Hungarian. I have heard this from my grandmother, my mother, and her sisters. I have tasted it in the paprika dishes and intricate pastries my grandmother creates. I have seen the round features of my ancestors in the mirror and seen a flicker of far off recognition…
Guerrilla Art: KUBE workshop style
A few weeks ago, a few Long River members hosted an activity at the KUBE Creative Writing workshop for middle school students. We gave each table a bunch of materials, including copies of famous poems, song lyrics, pages from old LRRs, newspapers, magazines, and the like. The students were told…
It’s Here At Last! LRR Released
Last night at approximately 7pm, this year’s beautiful Long River edition was released to the public. To celebrate, the staff threw a large launch party hosted in UConn’s new CoOp Bookstore. Using the funds procured from our banging bar night (thank you again to all who went!) and other fundraising,…
Ten Cool Things From Nature for Your Literary Inspiration
Welcome to the week before finals, UConn. I’m betting that plenty of us fall into the category of “having no free time to recreationally read and write” these days. I could give you a list of books you should read and movies you should watch, but at this point, I’m…
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