Check out a new article on the making of Long River Review‘s 20th Anniversary Issue, written by our own Sydney Lauro. It gives wonderful insight on what goes on during the process of making our magazine, and why LRR is such a unique experience for UConn students. The process…
Tag: lrr
It’s Here: the 20th Anniversary Issue of LRR!
It’s finally here, and it’s fluorescent. Our 20th Anniversary Issue is now available at the UConn Bookstore. We are so proud of this issue. Keep an eye out for the bright orange cover, and pick up your copy today. Thank you so much to our contributors that made this year’s…
Another 2017 video!
Take a look at one of our earlier videos from 2017, created by Ben Schultz and starring Creative Nonfiction Panelist, Brandon Marquis. Video by: Benjamin Schultz Get pumped for the Long River Review's 20th Anniversary Edition to be released this April! Posted by Long River Review on Sunday, February 26,…
Check Out the Making of the 20th Anniversary Edition of LRR
Check out our latest video, a mini behind-the-scenes look at the efforts of the 2017 LRR staff. Thank you to our talented team member, Ben Shultz!
Reflections on Writing, Medicine, and More with Nikki Rubin, former LRR Poetry Editor by Stephanie Koo (2016)
Interview by Steph Koo I had the opportunity to speak with Nikki Rubin, LRR alum, survivor of UCONN medical school, newly-minted doctor extraordinaire, over video chat this past weekend. Our talk ranged from writing experiences, to her decision to choose OB/GYN as her specialty, to my own anxieties over choosing…
Keeping a Beginner’s Mind: An Interview with Dave Mercier by Carleton Whaley (2016)
Dave Mercier is the creator of the comic Mercworks, a weekly webcomic strip. He has self-published two collections of his comics, Mercworks: The Joy of Despair and Mercworks: The Cure for the Human Condition. Carleton Whaley: So I guess I’ll just start off with a basic question about Mercworks. How long have…
“I am first a creature of the imagination” An interview with Benjamin Grossberg (2015)
I had the opportunity to ask this year’s guest of the Writers Who Edit, Editors Who Write Series, Benjamin Grossberg. Supplement your experience of his reading with his answers, and read them alone – Ben is personable and passionate, and a truly unique voice in modern poetry. A Polish…
An Interview with Krisela Karaja (2015)
Krisela Karaja, the Editor-in-Chief of the 2014 Long River Review, is currently a Fulbright Student Research Fellow in Albania, where she is studying the concepts of memory and nationalism as seen in contemporary poetry during the 25-year post-communist, democratic transition. Though Krisela is focusing on five established Albanian poets for her formal…
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