People often find that I am the most unconventional of English majors. No, I don’t write a lot; no I don’t read novels in a day; no I don’t like Hemingway (which is a comment that has earned me many looks from my fellow students); if you want a story…
Tag: #LRR
What to Read if You Had a Year Left to Live By: Sydney Lauro
Prognosis: you’ve got twelve months left to live. The good news? If you’re literate, you could easily read a book a month. Therefore, it’s time to give up Grey’s Anatomy and escape Meredith’s constant, cliché, and contrived diatribes about life and actually consume a worthwhile use of the English language….
It’s Time to Talk to People About Books By: Autumn Magro
I started a YouTube channel because I had failed. A Harper Perennial Classic edition of The Bell Jar sat half-read on my desk as the recruiter told me over the phone that the aforementioned publisher had gone with someone else. I put the copy underneath a stack of my resumes….
On (Not) Writing While Traveling By: Stephanie Koo
Would it be blasphemous to suggest that I didn’t have the time of my life while I was abroad? I should have expected to feel this way, in all honesty. At the time, the opportunity that I had received felt like a once in a lifetime adventure. When else was…
The Inconvenience of Inspiration By: Mairead Loschi
Ever since I was young, inspiration has been my fickle friend. Let me set the scene: it is a late August evening, just creeping toward dusk. My sister and I are playing on the front lawn of my Grandma’s summer home. My mom remembers me rushing in through the sliding…
An ode to Jim Harrison By Sten Spinella
Jim Harrison died on Saturday, March 26th, 2016. Don’t let the innocuous name fool you; Harrison was an extraordinary man. For those who watch the show Californication, consider Harrison, who spent a portion of his career in Hollywood working on screenplays, a more talented Hank Moody with a blind left…
MFA—Recipe For Success or Disaster? By Kate Monica
“Does any (MFA) program really improve anybody, as much as simply identifying them? And, after identifying them, not ruining them?” —Chang-rae Lee, On Such A Full Sea Getting an MFA seems like the natural progression for any English major looking to take a swing at making a career of writing….
Remembering Robert Frost by Emily Cantor
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life — It goes on.” —Robert Frost Today marks the 142nd birthday of the American poet Robert Lee Frost. Though Frost is most famous for his depictions of rural New England life, he was actually born in San Francisco….
“Striking Prayer’s Attitude:” A Dalliance with the Poetry of Carl Phillips by Nicholas DiBenedetto
“Sometimes the thought that I’m doomed / to fail – that the body is – keeps me almost steady,” – Carl Phillips Thus writes Carl Phillips in “Stray,” one of two recent pieces by the poet that have appeared in the March 2016 issue of Poetry. Indeed, the flux between…
A review of Richard Siken’s War of the Foxes by Kate Monica
“Tell me about the dream where we pull the bodies out of the lake and dress them in warm clothes again. How it was late, and no one could sleep, the horses running until they forget that they are horses. It’s not like a tree where the roots have to…
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