For those unaware, the world is ending in Exandria. According to Cameron Deslaurier, “EXU: Calamity,” a thrilling D&D actual play miniseries, is a great way to experience a full story set in the Critical Role universe without committing to hundreds of hours of watch time…
Tag: storytelling

Why Everyone Should Read Graphic Novels (Or At Least Try To)
Brandon Barzola recommends you check out the graphic novels the next time you visit the library. Comics contain great stories in small packages, combining visual and written avenues of storytelling…

The Stories We Tell Part 1: Eileen Sholomicky
When you write, what are you really writing about? It’s the age-old question, and one that Nicole Catarino explores in an interview with LRR’s own fiction editor, Eileen Sholomicky

Writing As Resistance: The Significance Of Storytelling
Jess Gallagher explores a process that gives all stories their worth. Read how your own personal history can be used to fuel your stories…
Storytelling with WNPR by Allison McLellan
Storytelling is the original form of entertainment used to pass on legends and histories, and to pass the time. But now we have more stimulating forms of entertainment—Xbox360, Netflix, YouTube, etc. You can’t have a conversation without maybe half of the faces being immersed in a smartphone screen at any…
Storytelling in Video Games
I used to hold the opinion that video games couldn’t be considered an art form. This was in part because it resembled nothing close to traditional art, and also because I liked video games, and I figured a teenager with minimal life experience’s opinion on anything was probably wrong. Naturally,…