By Krista Mitchell Winner of The Jennie Hackman Memorial Prize for Short Fiction (3rd Place) The First Motel Off the Highway Bethlehem, NH. August 1956. She held a hand to her forehead to shield her bloodshot eyes as she turned off the highway, the windshield glittering with flecks of…
Arboreal: A Field Log
By Zeynep Özer Winner of The Edwin Way Teale Award for Nature Writing 1 There is a tree on my way home. It’s planted towards the middle of the sidewalk. The road, otherwise pedestrian, makes a sharp curve around it so that one would have to change their course significantly…
The Mule (2024)
By Ashley Pizzo A translation of “Lu sceccu” by Ignazio Buttitta Winner of The Aetna Translation Award The poor thing carries the chain, and stupidly, he bears it. Shackled from dusk ‘till dawn, to and from the mill he is drawn and quartered, as the master, broom in hand,…
Little Loves (2024)
By Gabrielle WincherhernWinner of The Aetna Creative Nonfiction Award On some level, you always thought love was going to be the thing that saved you. Maybe it started with the fairy tales, the movies. The Princess and the Pauper. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Barbie and the Diamond Castle….
On Plotting Suspense: An Interview with Author Megan Collins
CHARLIE CASE: Welcome to the Long River Rewind. Today we have a special guest: mystery and thriller novelist Megan Collins, who we the interviewers have had the privilege of being taught by in the past. SOPHIA CIRALDO: Megan is the author of Thicker than Water, The Family Plot, Behind…

Comedic Murder Mystery Movie Recommendations
Written by: Veronica Borowski Most people when they think of murder mystery movies, don’t exactly associate them with comedy. But for me the best type of murder mystery movies are packed with comedy, thriller, twists and sarcasm. Over the years I have watched my fair share of this particular genre…

Written by: Schuyler Cummings Amidst the unyielding ascent of generative AI, a realm where mere snippets of input can yield sprawling essays, workers across industries – especially writers – are left wondering where they will stand in their careers mere months from now. There’s no doubt the age of…

Amigurumi Baby Groot: The Cross-Over I’d Never Expect to Make
Written by: Alexus Lowe Out of the many attempts my mother made to learn one of her crafts, only one stuck: crocheting! I’ve been crocheting off and on for about six years. Now before we continue any further, for those who don’t know, Knitting and Crocheting are two DIFFERENT crafts….

A Book Recommendation for Beginner, Intermediate, and Veteran Fantasy Readers
Written by: Nicholas Krzykowski Fantasy literature has played a significant role in my life. Whether it be reading Harry Potter in elementary school or crawling under the covers—a cup of tea on the nightstand—and exploring long-forgotten civilizations with my dad, I was always enamored by some magical world. …

5 Foreign Films that Should be on Your Watchlist
Written by: Kamila Ciebielski Although American Hollywood cinema is an opportunity to watch a jaw dropping blockbuster film, foreign films are our generation’s privilege. Never before has it been easier to stream a movie, especially foreign films. Everyone nowadays watches everything with the subtitles on, so a foreign film…
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