Lili Fishman
Poetry may be one of the more disliked genres of writing. Some people get turned off by poetry because they believe that every word has a double meaning, or the poet never truly means what the reader thinks they mean, or it is vague and snobby. This difficulty in finding an access point to understand a poem can make poetry hard to connect to for a reader, and thus shuts the door on verse forever. However, poetry can actually be quite simple!
One of the most well-known types of poems is the haiku. The structure is easy; 3 lines with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third. Tada! It’s so simple, people say them by accident. Or in this case, tweet them. Here are 10 times celebrities tweeted a haiku, completely by accident, proving that writing and understanding poetry can be as straightforward as 140 (or now, 280) characters.
1. Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47)
“I don’t want a whole
dessert, let’s just get two spoons”
– Former friends of mine.
Anna Kendrick continues to be one of the more relatable actresses of our time. Who wants to share a dessert? Even if it’s with your friend?
2. Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson)
There is power in
Knowledge, but there is greater
power in Wisdom
That’s really deep, Neil. See, astrophysicists can be poets, too!
3. Christine Sydelko (@csydelko)
5 likes and I’ll post
an embarrassing picture
of me from high school
Here’s the picture as an added bonus:
4. Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel)
Shots? Vulgar. I
SIP my 5-hour Energy
In all honesty, Lin may have purposefully written a haiku here. He’s a genius when it comes to words and writing, so who knows.
5. Kendrick Lamar (@kendricklamar)
When the cameras
stop rolling, it doesn’t mean
real life will follow.
Maybe Kendrick should consider writing his next song only in haikus. This would be a great lyric.
6. Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama)
Barack is fighting
for the American dream
because he’s lived it:
Who is surprised that the former First Lady is poetic as well as eloquent?
7. Bill Nye (@BillNye)
Celebrating the
launch with Buzz Aldrin (he walked
on the Moon, y’know…)
Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! (Seventeen “Bill”s would be a haiku, y’know…)
8. Demi Lovato (@ddlovato)
Nothing’s more awkward
than someone staring at you
while your song comes on…
Is that the most awkward thing that has happened to Demi Lovato? If so, I envy her life. See, haikus provoke thoughtful questions.
9 & 10. Christine Teigen (@chrissyteigen)
I really, really
hate to say this but. I need
one more banana
This tweet comes from the time Chrissy Teigen was live-tweeting baking banana bread, and did not have enough bananas. She offered gifts to people who had brown bananas nearby her house, which her assistant picked up for her. Here, she clearly miscounted how many she needed.
this is no longer
my banana bread. this is
*our* banana bread.
The banana bread business was so crazy Chrissy tweeted two haikus! As the thrilling baking saga comes to an end, so does this list. I feel the same way as Chrissy did:
this is no longer
my haiku journey. this is
*our* haiku journey.
*Inspired by The New York Times Haiku Bot
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