Poetry editor Aayushi Agarwal shares her encounters with Shakespeare through Hindi film adaptations, begging the question: how can movies be used as a tool of cultural empowerment and reclamation?
Tag: Film

Interview: Reopening Of Madison Cinema
Michaela Flaherty shows us what it takes to run an independent Movie Theatre in her interview with Lizzy O’Gara the general manager of Madison Cinemas…

The Betrayal Of Bo Burnham: Casting “Good Guys” As “Bad Guys”
Michaela Flaherty explores how subverting typecasting can create a dialogue that complicates our gendered expectations of the do-good, predictable hero…

Putting Shakespeare in the Schoolyard: Celebrating movie adaptations
When reading Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, it may be difficult to understand why it’s such an insult that Mr. Darcy refuses to dance with Elizabeth. Or it may not seem like a big deal for Lydia to run off with a soldier, or it may be confusing when…
Want to Write? Get Talking. By Benjamin Schultz
Like most people, I can never pass up a good story. I’m sure that you are no different. Stories have always been able to captivate the human psyche– whether spoken, written, or edited together. Even that Super Bowl commercial that made you laugh is telling a story (albeit one 30…
Remembering Sidney Sheldon by Laura Ruttan
“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” — Sidney Sheldon Sidney Sheldon was a famous successful American playwright, screenwriter, and best selling…
When Movie Adaptations Fail
The announcement of a movie adaptation of a favorite book is always an exciting one. It is the wonderful convergence of my love of reading and my firm standing as a movie geek. However, movie adaptations always come with risk: many times filmmakers get it right, but for every hit…
The Adaptation
Over the years, film and television adaptations of novels have become more and more common in our media. For us book lovers, that can be our greatest wish fulfilled or our greatest disappointment. Sometimes the adaptation can be reflective of the novel with love or another entity entirely. These are…
Top Ten Screenplays
April 15, 2014: Yet another rainy (almost monsoon-like) day in Storrs, Connecticut, home of our beloved Long River and the UConn Huskies. The weather outside is so stiflingly crappy, it seems like the perfect day to make yourself a cup of tea (Nyanka certainly recommends it, here’s why), curl up…
A Little Late on the OSC Train
Late last year, the issue of Orson Scott Card’s political views came back into the public light in full force with the impending release of the film version of his critically acclaimed novel Ender’s Game. Everyone wanted to have their say on the matter criticizing him. There was even a…
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