Shoulder to shoulder with my comrades, I stare down the entity that could very well be the cause of my death. A flood of enemies rushes towards us and I grip my weapon in anticipation for the inevitable slaughter, whether it be us or them. The only question left now…
Interview with Diane Smith, Joseph Michael Owens, and Annam Manthiram, editors of “Grey Sparrow” (2011)
1. Universities and presses back several magazines, but this does not appear to be the case with Grey Sparrow. Where do you receive your funding? Diane Smith: I personally fund Grey Sparrow from a modest savings I established during my tenure as a social worker in child welfare. Grey Sparrow…
Interview with Alyssa Palazzo (2011)
Palazzo is a creative non-fiction panelist for the Long River Review. Q: You write poetry, creative non-fiction, and fiction. What appeals to you about writing in the poetic form? In the prose form? A lot of what I enjoy about form and content overlaps between prose and poetry. When writing…
The Book Barn
Home is a powerful word. It means that safe space we come back to, that place where we are ourselves, where we feel we are in the right place, our place in the world. The saying “home is where the heart is,” means not only does our home hold a…
Hot Off the Press!
The 2010 Long River Review has won an award for Excellence in Design at the 35th Annual Design Competition of the Connecticut Art Directors Club.
Fiction: Like Real Life, Only Better
“It’s no wonder truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” – Mark Twain I like to think of fiction as a special version of reality. Fiction is inherently made up of lies, and yet it has a power unlike anything else, because it presents reality not actually…
UConn!! Huskies!! UConn!! Huskies!!
Four years of college. You’d think I’d be sick of this place. The truth is: I am quite sick of a few things. My freshman year consisted of not one single night of restful sleep. You can ascribe this to noisy drunks galloping up and down the halls, screaming at…
Long Live Long River Rock
Well, at least the rock will live on in spirit… and here on this site. Members of the editorial board decorated the UConn Rock before our release party. Sadly, it was painted over, only an hour later. But here are some pictures of our lovely masterpiece, before our graffiti was…
An Ode to Graduating Seniors
You made it, you’re done with the finals, done with the papers, done with the blue books, the pencils, the classes; you’re done, done, done, done. But are you really? Does education end with graduation – are the two synonymous and entwined? Will you never pick up a book again,…
Behind the Scenes
The release of the 2010 Long River Review brought about many new changes. For example, this year’s journal features a colored inside front cover but some of the exciting things that took place this year aren’t entirely visible. Ryan Pape, was the journal’s first translations editor, bringing to the LRR…
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